Thinking of upgrading your Tyk version? Don't worry, Tyk Support is here to help!
Over the years we've seen many of our clients perform upgrades on their Tyk instance(s), here's some steps they've taken to make this successful:
- This one is obvious, but worth noting: upgrade your non-prod environment(s) first. This is extremely important as your team will get an idea of how your production environment upgrade will go. In the off chance, something goes wrong it's easier to deal in your non-prod environment(s) since they won't affect your clients.
- Take note of all events in your non-prod environment as they'll most likely happen in the prod environment, i.e if anything needed changing it's good to take note and be prepared for it during your production environment upgrade.
- Advice your Account Manager or Support (through the creation of a Zendesk ticket), of your future upgrade with the following:
- Date, Time and Timezone of your upgrade - this way our team can be on stand by if we need to jump on call to debug issues
- Versions before and after upgrade
- Let us know on the ticket when the upgrading is starting
- Let us know on the ticket if the upgrade has finished (if Support isn't required)
*** Support will be on stand-by during your upgrade until/if an error occurs ***
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