To deploy the Enterprise Developer Portal with Postgres using Helm, please follow the steps outline below:
Ensure that you have a Tyk Self-managed installation using kubernetes and helm chart.
See Doc for instructions.
Deployment Steps:
1. Create the tyk-enterprise-portal-conf secret by executing the following command:
kubectl create secret generic tyk-enterprise-portal-conf -n ${NAMESPACE} \ --from-literal=TYK_ORG=${TYK_ORG} \ --from-literal=TYK_AUTH=${TYK_AUTH}
Organisation ID
Tyk Dashboard API Access Credentials, which can be obtained under your user profile in the Tyk Dashboard.
2. To Install Postgres using the chart from the Bitnami repository, set the 'auth.database' value to "portal" and execute the following command:
helm install tyk-portal-postgres bitnami/postgresql --set "auth.database=portal" -n tyk
Note: You will need to obtain the Postgres password to include it as part of the connection string.
To get the password for "postgres" run:
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace tyk tyk-portal-postgres-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgres-password}" | base64 -d)
3. Set the necessary values in the 'values.yaml' file. Ensure to configure the following fields within the file:
enterprisePortal.enabled: true
enterprisePortal.bootstrap: true
enterprisePortal.license: "Your license key" postgres "host=tyk-portal-postgres-postgresql.tyk.svc.cluster.local port=5432 dbname=portal user=postgres password=Your-Postgres-Password sslmode=disable"
4. Upgrade the Tyk Enterprise Portal using the Tyk Helm chart and the updated 'values.yaml' file:
helm upgrade tyk-pro tyk-helm/tyk-pro -f values.yaml -n tyk
By following these steps, you will successfully launch the Tyk Enterprise Portal Developer Portal with Postgres using Helm. Remember to adjust any placeholder values or modify the commands according to your specific setup.
Note: For additional information, please refer to the relevant doc.
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