Check the biggest key in redis. Helpful if there are memory issues.
redis-cli --bigkeys
Check if the API key exist:
keys apikey-{key ID}
Check the maxmemory current valueconfig
get maxmemory
Check the maxmemory policy set (this will show the policy that sets the behavior for keys removal)config
get maxmemory-policy
Get the key using a string in the value. This command should be run in the terminal
for k in $(redis-cli KEYS '*'); do echo $k \"$(redis-cli GET $k)\"; done | grep "{search string like alias or API ID in access_rights of the key}"
Change key expiration(useful when debugging expired keys)
GET apikey-{key ID}
(copy the value of above command, change the values of \"expires\":1674030418, to a previous epoch timestamp
SET apikey-{key ID} {insert the modified value above)
Delete all apikey-*
for k in $(redis-cli KEYS 'apikey-*'); do echo $k \"$(redis-cli DEL key $k)\"; done
To check the memory details like used_memory, maxmemory-policy. Helpful if to check which eviction policy are set
info memory
To check the stats especially helpful if there are evicted keys and number of expired keys
info stats
To check the details about the server, it will show the uptime in seconds and days
info server
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